Although the majority of Muslims around the world do not speak Arabic, the Arabic language remains a foundation of Islam. In fact, many Muslims who do not speak or understand Arabic at all use Arabic phrases in their daily lives!
In this article, we list 14 Arabic phrases used daily by Muslims around the world. Knowing the terminology used by Muslims in everyday conversation can help you avoid those awkward situations when you think you should know what something means but don’t. Some of these phrases are also commonly misused, so here is your chance to correct yourself!
Meaning: In the name of God (Allah in Arabic)
It is also the first word in the Quran and marks the beginning of every surah (chapter) in the Quran (with the exception of Surah At-Tawbah). It is known as the “basmalah”. As Muslims we have to say it before we do anything. We have to say it before we start eating, drinking, entering a new location, etc.
Meaning: All praise (is) to Allah
Alhamdulillah is used to express gratitude to Allah and gives satisfaction in everything that comes our way. For example, after completing a meal, you can use this phrase. It is also often used in response when someone asks how someone is doing or how their day went, again to express gratitude towards Allah and to acknowledge that everything comes from Allah and that we praise Him at all times and in all circumstances.
Meaning: All thanks to Allah
The meaning and usage are similar to Alhamdulillah.
Meaning: Glory to Allah. Or glorify Allah.
This is used in various contexts such as when you hear or see something unbelievable and want to convey your awe.
SubhanAllah is always said when something remarkable happens. Every time something beautiful happens to us, we are reminded of the greatness of Allah. For example, when you see something beautiful in nature, you exclaim: “SubhanAllah!”, because Allah is the Creator of all things.
Allahu Akbar
Meaning: God is Greater (than anyone or anything), i.e. He is The Greatest
Muslims use it in their prayers, as a general expression of faith or gratitude, and also to remind themselves of God’s Majesty and Power.
Meaning: As Allah has willed
It also means that what Allah willed has happened. It is said to serve as a reminder that all good things come from Allah and all blessings are from Him. It’s a positive sign. For example, you have recently become a parent – MashaAllah! You have completed your master’s degree – MashaAllah!
JazakAllahu khayran
Meaning: May Allah reward you with goodness
An expression of gratitude. When someone does you a favor, such as giving you something, helping you with something, or explaining something to you, you can use this expression. In fact, you are actually making supplication to Allah for him or her.
Although this is the main form, there are some variants that use other pronouns such as: Jazaka Allahu khayran (for you, the masculine variant), jazaki Allahu khayran (for you, the feminine variant), etc.
Meaning : If Allah wills.
Usually this is used to indicate that some future action is being planned, as in “I will do this, if Allah wills”. For example: “InshaAllah I will go to that lecture tomorrow.”
It is mentioned in the Quran: “And never say of anything, ‘I will definitely do this tomorrow,’ without adding, ‘if Allah so wills!’ But if you forget, then remember your Lord, and say, ‘I trust my Lord will guide me to what is more right than this.'” (Surat al-Kahf, 18:23-24)
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
Meaning: There is no power nor strength except with Allah
Except with the help of Allah, we are unable to do anything or change one state to another. While it is often used to convey dissatisfaction, it is a great reminder to say at any time, especially since it shows our acceptance that adverse circumstances are beyond our control.
Meaning: Amen, i.e. a statement of affirmation.
It appears in both the Old and New Testament. It is used as a closing phrase or answer to prayers in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. For example: May Allah reward you with what is better – Ameen!
Yarhamuka Allah
Meaning : May Allah have mercy on you.
It is said after someone else sneezes and says “Alhamdulillah”. This is said to be the first word that Allah, the Most High, spoke to the Prophet Adam عليه السلام when he sneezed.
Astagfiru Allah
Meaning: I seek forgiveness from Allah.
If you believe you have sinned or done something wrong, you may use this phrase. It is a strong statement of Istighfar (asking for forgiveness), see the hadith of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ below about “Astaghfiru Allah” and begging for forgiveness.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to say while prostrating himself: “O Lord, forgive me all my sins, small and great, first and last, open and secret.” (Muslim)
He ﷺ used to say: “O God! You are my Rabb (Lord). There is no true god but You. You created me, and I am Your servant, and I keep Your covenant as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge the favors You have bestowed on me and I confess my sins. Forgive me, for no one but You has the power to forgive.”
Baraka Allahu feek/feekum
Meaning: The blessings of Allah (be upon you)
It is a term used by Muslims to show gratitude, usually to someone else. It can also be used in response to “Jazaaka Allah khayran”.
As-salaamu ‘alaykum (wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh)
Meaning: Peace be upon you (and God’s mercy and blessings)
This is the expression used to greet fellow Muslims and is widely used all over the world. It is also used by non-Muslim Arabic speakers.