The Paradise
The believers will be led to the eight great gates of Paradise. There they will be received with joy by the angels and be congratulated on their safe arrival and their salvation from hell.
“But those who feared their Lord shall be driven in bands to Paradise, until they reach it, when its gates are opened and its keepers say: ‘Peace be upon you; you have become clean; so enter it to abide therein forever.’” (Qur’an 39:73)
(It will be said to the pious): “O (thou) who are in (complete) tranquility and contentment! Return to your Lord comfortable and agreeable to Him! Then join My honored servants. Enter My Paradise!” (Quran 89:27-30)
The best among the Muslims will enter Paradise first. The fairest among them will ascend to the highest levels.
“But whoever comes to God as a believer (in His Oneness, etc.) and has done righteous good deeds; for such are the high ranks (in the Hereafter).” (Quran 20:75)
“And the first ‘in faith’ will be the first ‘in paradise’. It is they who are nearest to God, in the gardens of bliss.” (Quran 56:10-12)
Description of Paradise in the Quran
The Quranic description of Paradise gives us an idea of what a wonderful place it is. An eternal home that will fulfill all our wholesome desires, seduce all our senses, give us everything we could wish for and much more. God describes his paradise as a paradise with earth made of fine musk powder, earth of saffron, stones of gold and silver, and pebbles of pearls and rubies. Beneath the Gardens of Paradise flow rivers of sparkling water, sweet milk, clear honey, and unintoxicating wine. The tents on their banks are domes of hollow pearls. The entire space is filled with sparkling light, sweet-smelling plants and scents that can be tasted from afar. There are lofty palaces, gigantic mansions, grape vines, date palms, pomegranate trees, lotus and acacia trees whose trunks are of gold. Ripe, abundant fruit of all kinds: berries, citrus fruits, grapes, melons, pomes; all fruits, tropical and exotic; everything the believers could wish for!
“…And therein is what every soul desires and what delights the eyes…” (Qur’an 43:71)
Every believer will have a beautiful, pious and pure wife, who will wear beautiful clothes. And there will be many more in a new world of eternal, radiant joy.
“And no soul knows what is hidden from them of comfort to the eyes [i.e. satisfaction] as a reward for what they used to do.” (Quran 32:17)
In addition to physical pleasures, Paradise will also bestow upon its inhabitants a state of emotional and psychological bliss, as the Prophet said:
“Whoever enters Paradise is blessed with a life of joy; he will never be miserable, his clothes will never wear out, and his youth will never fade. The people will hear a divine call: “I grant to you that you may be well and never be sick, that you may live and never die, that you may be young and never age, that you may be joyful and never miserable.’” (Saheeh Muslim)
In the end, that which will most delight the eyes will be the very face of God. To the true believer, to see this blessed face of God is to win the ultimate prize.
How is life in paradise?
“Some faces will shine on that Day, as they look to their Lord.” (Quran 75:22-23)
This is Paradise, the eternal home and ultimate destination of the righteous believer. May God the Exalted make us worthy of this.
The bottom of paradise is stark white with pure musk and saffron and the sand there is of pearls and sapphire. The walls are made of gold and silver bricks and very fragrant musk in between. Whoever lives in it enjoys and knows no sorrow, lives and will never die.
And in Paradise rivers flow of water that does not change in taste or smell and rivers of milk and rivers of wine that does not intoxicate that is delightful to drink and rivers of pure honey. The food in paradise is of the most delicious fruits that we cannot imagine. Those fruits grow on huge trees. And there’s one tree with a shadow, if a horseman traveled a hundred years he wouldn’t get out of the shadow of that tree.
A resident of paradise eats and enjoys, but has no toilet needs as we do in this worldly life. An inhabitant of paradise eats and drinks as much as he or she wants and the food leaves the body as a scent of musk.
Who will go in first?
The first on Judgment Day to enter Paradise is our beloved prophet (Pbuh). And the inhabitants of paradise will look their fairest and most handsome with the beauty of the moon on laylatu qadr and the brightest star in the sky as the prophet SAW describes them, all around the age of 30, 33 years and resembling our ancestor Adam AS. And the highest thing you can get in Paradise is when Allah SWT removes the covering between Him and His servants and we may behold and see Him. That dear believers should be our aim; stay so close to Allah SWT that one day we may see Him.