Imagine this: you’re on an airplane and it starts to vibrate. At a certain point, the plane starts to make movements in such a way that you know for sure: something is wrong. The pilot kindly asks if you want to fasten your seatbelt. Despite the pilot’s reassurance, your gut feeling says otherwise. You try to think of other things, but you can’t. You keep thinking of an end. You try to distract yourself. But it does not work. You do everything you can to think positively. But you feel stuffy, you start to hyperventilate. Suddenly you hear a huge bang and you hear people screaming. You look up and make a plea. The pilot says he will make an emergency landing. It ends well.
Do you ever wonder how it is possible that everything is made so perfectly? How is it possible that the distance of the sun and earth is just right. A bit closer and it would be too hot on Earth. A little too far away? Then it would be too cold. The result? No life on Earth. And why are there certain constants in the universe? An example is the speed of light. And how is it possible that order emerges from chaos? The Big Bang. A huge bang that has caused all this to exist around us. How can it be that there is so much chaos in the universe (so many explosions) while we can live peacefully here. How can something come out of nothing? And why is everything the way it is? Why are we humans and can’t take another form or go to a higher dimension? Why are we limited in our thinking and not in control of so many things, like when we were in the vibrating plane? When we had no control over external factors and our own hearts. You may also be wondering why we chose the featured image. DNA. Why DNA?
From macro to micro
What about 1 cell within our body? How complex is 1 cell? In the video below you can see how complicated 1 cell is. It is said that you can compare 1 cell with a city like New York. Science claims that there are 100,000 billion cells in your body! Who sends them? How do they know what to do. How is it possible that the high-tech machines in the cell work flawlessly? Another thing to consider is that a working cell needs (at least) dozens of components to work. A bicycle without tires is not a working bicycle. The same is true for a cell. It cannot be a coincidence that a few dozen components exist from nothing at once and then work as a whole (largest human organ: our skin).
Why DNA?
The answer to the question ‘why DNA’ is simple. DNA can be compared to the software of computers. The idea that DNA, i.e. information, can be stored and organized by itself without a Maker (God) is something that needs to be considered. Order cannot arise from chaos (by itself without an intermediary). Set off a bomb and complete chaos ensues. Look at the Big Bang and there is chaos, but all chaos is contained and under complete control. That you are now alive and can breathe easily is a proof.
Biggest atheist becomes theist
Antony Flew was an opponent of belief in God for many years. But after discovering how complex DNA was, he couldn’t help but conclude that there must be a Maker. There are many scholars and mainly scientists who can only conclude that this Masterpiece (the universe) is part of a higher Plan. That everything is under the control of the Omniscient and the Omnipotent.
Why are we here? Does God Exist?
Football, sport number 1 in the Netherlands. The goal is to score, win and eventually become champion. School. You go to school and get a diploma, why? To be assured of a well-paid and fun job later on. There are countless examples to think of. Everything has a purpose. But why not life itself? Look at the trees, the atmosphere, the bees (without bees, many crops would not exist), the tame animals that provide us with food and drink (milk). Then what is the reason you are here? Are you here just to party? What about the health you received as a gift. Are you thankful? (Read also: what is the purpose of life?)
Is the picture correct now?
Nowadays there is a need to prove everything scientifically. Because if something is scientifically proven, then it is correct. Or not? Look at many sponsored scientific articles. An example is the most famous soft drink brand. They claim that children are fat because they do not exercise too much and not because of the food and drinks that contain an unnecessary amount of sugar. Meanwhile, they promote drinks that are packed with sugars and other bad ingredients to children who become overweight as a result.
In addition, science cannot explain everything. Metaphysics, we’re talking about. For example, science could not prove that you are self-conscious. In addition, science accepts the best theory, which may actually be a false theory (falsifiability).
Why is everything anti-religion today?
Look at our current society. How can you describe society? Materialistic? Capitalist? Anyway, it’s all about money. Having a religion does not fit into this picture. Most religions are anti-materialistic and do not attach much value to this life, but rather to the afterlife. If everyone was anti-materialistic (or at least moderately materialistic) the economy would not run the way it is now. So there is a political agenda behind this propaganda (don’t get me wrong, I am not against scientific research. I am for research, critical thinking and progress). Children being brainwashed with what is “scientific”. Funnily enough, it has been scientifically proven that if you let children grow up without parents on a desert island, they would believe in one God from within. The so-called ‘God spot’ that is located somewhere in the brain. So we have always been believers in God (that’s what the example was about in the introduction). But of course there is always one simple explanation for this: evolution. However, the question that has never been answered and will never be answered is how life originated. The simple answer to that: primordial soup. And this is what everyone should accept. We are trained from an early age to be critical of religion, but are we also critical of the current system? The system where everything revolves around money. Are we critical of what we always thought was right, of the education we have always accepted?
Man is insecure and lives in an illusion. An illusion that everything came from nothing. We all assume that a painting is by definition always made by a painter (the one who made the painting). But why don’t we think that way about the creation of the universe?
Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain. Quran- [52:35]
All roads lead to one conclusion
Like well-known scientists, we cannot help but conclude that all roads lead to the fact that there can be no other explanation that one Someone made all this. (Many will still argue that there is another explanation, for example the multiple universe theory. But isn’t that just being unscientific?) A Masterpiece, like the precision of a watch but infinitely more complex. The problem for many scholars, however, is that it is claimed that our Maker is not concerned with us, including Antony Flew. That the Maker is not personal. Which is strange, because there is such a thing as justice. One calls karma, the other justice. With personal experiences alone, it is enough to know that God has a plan and a purpose. Read:
We will show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that this (Quran) is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a Witness over all things? 41:53 Quran
The Maker did not just make all this for no reason. Just as a TV maker has a reason, the Creator of the universe also has a reason. The TV maker puts a manual in the box, the Maker of the universe sends angels so that the message/manual is transferred to man. Man receives the message and knows what to do here on earth. Worship God, do good, encourage one another to do good, and then taste what true success is (an infinite reward). Because why does doing good feel good?
But there are so many religions?
If you believe in one (not 3 in 1) God, then you also believe that He is perfect (why do we say He and not The o.i.d.: read definition of God). And since He has a purpose, He must convey that purpose, or else He has failed. Failure is not an option because otherwise you have not understood the definition of God. So it would be strange for God to convey different messages (e.g. monotheism vs polytheism). God has 1 religion and that religion must be universal and has been present since the first man. But which one is that?
This text is not intended to convert you to a particular religion. The text is only intended to make you think and do research. If God is so perfect and you want to get closer to Him, that will also happen with His will and your dedication. You can start your research with the following book.
Also consider the following verse about the creation of the universe:
“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then won’t they believe?” Quran – [21:30]