Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) honored the world in Makkah-i Mukarrama on 12 Rabi al-Awwal (Monday, April 20) 571. He died in Medina-i Munawwara on 12 Rabi al-Awwal (Monday , June 6) 632.
Father’s name: Abdullah
Mother’s name: Amina
Grandfather’s name (Father’s father): Abdulmuttalip
His paternal grandmother’s name: Fatima bint al-‘Umar al-Mahzûmiyya
Grandfather’s name (mother’s father): Wahb
Grandmother’s name: Berre
Uncles (paternal side): Zubayr (Abû Tâhir), Abû Tâlib, Abbâs, Dırâr, Hamza, Muqawwim, Hajl, Hâris, Abu Lahab, Gaydak, Abdul Ka’ba, Kusem. Aunts (father’s side): Umm Hakīm al-Baydā, Atika, Umayma, Erwā, Berrah, Safiyya.
Aunts (mother’s side): Farīda and Fahita Uncles (mother’s side): Abdyaghûs, Ubeydyaghûs.
Names of his wives: Hatîja bint-i Huwaylid, Sevda bint-i Zem’a, Âisha bint-i Abu Bakr, Hafsa bint-i Umar, Zaynab bint-i Hudhayme, Umm Salama (Hind bint-i Hudhayfe), Zaynab bint-i Jahsh, Juwayriya bint-i Hâris, Safiyya bint-i Huyey, Umm Habîba (Remle bint-i Abu Sufyan), Meymûna bint-i Hâris, Mâriye bint-i Sham’ûn.
Names of their children:
Boys: Qasim, Abdullah (Tayyib and Tahir), Ibrahim.
Girls: Zaynab, Ruqıye, Umm Kulthum, Fâtima.
Names of their grandchildren:
Boys: Ali, Abdullah, Hasan, Husayn, Muhsin.
Girls: Umma, Umm Gulsum, Zaynab.
Names of their sons-in-law: Ali (r.a), Uthman (r.a) and Abu’l-As Ibn Rabi
Milk mothers: Suwayba al-Aslemiyya (the freed slave girl of Abu Lahab), Khalîma bint Abî Züeyb al-Sa’diyya.
The names of his milk brothers / sisters:
From Suwayba: Abdullah bin Jahsh, Hamza bin Abdulmuttalib, Abu Salama bin Abdulesad, Masrooh bin Suwayba.
From Khalîma: Abdullah, Uneyse, Huzâfa (Shaymâ), the children of Khaleemah’s husband Hâris.
The lineage of our Prophet (saw)
The pure and pure lineage of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) goes back to the Prophet Isma’il, the son of the Prophet Abraham (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), through his twenty-first generation ancestor Adnān , the son of the Prophet Abraham (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Therefore, the Northern Arabs, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) belonged, are also called Ismāʿīlīs or Adnānīs (the other main branch of the Arabs are the Kahtānīs, whose homeland is South Arabia).
The genealogy of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) down to Adnān is known with certainty and reads as follows: Muhammad b. Abdullah b. ‘Abd al-Muttalib (Shaybah) b. Hashim b. ‘Abdumanaf b. Qusay b. Kilab b. Murra b. Ka’b b. Lu’ay b. Galib b. Fihr (Quraysh) b. Malik b. Nadr b. Kinana b. Huzeyma b. Mudar b. Nizar b. Ilyas b. Mudar b. Nizar b. Mead b. Adnān. According to this table, the Prophet was the son of Abdullah b. Abdulmuttalib, who belonged to the Hashimids of the Quraysh tribe, of the Adnânid branch of the Arabs, the descendants of Prophet Ismail, the son of Prophet Abraham.